The creative journey I undertook was more for necessity, being unemployed and squatting
in a derelict supermarket at the time, I dragged driftwood from crocodile infested
mangrove swamps to create functional “artworks of nature”- to sell and survive.

Materials, mostly recycled, were subsequently used to facilitate the hand carving of
compact lightweight pieces, In these, illumination is combined with natural elements to
highlight inherent beauty in natural form while creating unique decorative functional art for
interiors. This decorative form of art evolved to the point where ornamental aspect was
eliminated. This refinement gave rise to a classical curvaceous form of sculpture.

The motif for these classically refined works is a three dimensional representations of
symbols of ancient  eastern culture. These sculptures, executed in the classical European
style, are inspired by ancient Chinese philosophy of the “Tao” – the notion of the resolving of
conflict and disharmony through the balancing of opposites.

These works also constitute creative responses to the transformative power and
rejuvenating quality of the ocean and the surf experience.

This stage of my creative journey was as evocative response to simply being alive at the turn
of a millennium in the western calendar.  This rare historic milestone, the ancient eastern
philosophy and the powerful oceanic surf experience, compelled me to design, mould and
carve sculptures. Through this pursuit, I also sought to explore abstract representation of the
idea of conflict resolution. This is attempted as a artistic journey which seeks resolution to
perceptions of the current human predicament and conflict my own past.

My masterpiece titled “The Millennial Wave Sculpture Podium” doubles up as a
dance podium which
also provides a unique three dimensional “blank canvas” to be used
in multi-disciplinary and intercultural artistic expression and celebration.

Websters New World Dictionary -monument (n).

      1. Something set up to keep alive the memory of a person or an event…
      2. A work of enduring significance.

biography photo

Some of the comments  received in response to the exhibition the sculpture publicly are listed below:

“Probably the most artistically outstanding abstract sculpture
carved in the final years of the 2 nd Millennium”

“It’s like a giant limestone lotus flower………”

“A formidable abstraction of the oceanic wave formation based
on the circular plan”

“A massive yet elegant and refined development of the
principal of the circle and curve”

“Timeless……… yet without a place in the present”

“A visual symphony of curves, light and silhouettes
reminiscent of the stretching and twisting of martial arts and

“The MWM displays all the dynamic, balance and integrity
expected of classical art”

“A substantial three-dimensional wave and light mandala”

“A fitting tribute to the rare event of the turn of a